How to Memorize the Quran in 2 Years | Proven Customized Plan

The Quran is the holy book of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Its message, originally in Arabic, has been translated into various languages. To memorize the Quran in 2 years, start by aligning your heart and mind, purifying your soul, making sincere intentions, and seeking Allah’s help. Enrolling in an online Hifz course can provide structured guidance. Additionally, follow a customized two-year plan, revise lessons during each prayer, use mirror work, apply repetition cycles, and understand the meanings to accelerate memorization.

Why Memorize the Quran Fast?

The Quran is divided into 30 chapters, containing 114 surahs. Memorizing it fast, in a period of two years bring immense rewards for both the hafiz and their parents, as announced by Allah. It grants peace, strengthens spiritual devotion, enhances memory, and opens the heart to wisdom and the right path.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“Seven will be given the shade on the Day when there’ll be no shade except His”— and he mentioned from amongst them, “a youth who grew up in the worship of Allah.” (Riyad as-Salihin 449)

“The one who memorized the Quran shall come on the Day of Judgment and say:

‘O Lord! Decorate him.’ So he is donned with a crown of nobility. Then it is said: ‘O Lord! Be pleased with him.’ So He is pleased with him and says: ‘Recite and rise up, and be increased in reward with every Ayah.’” (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2915)

Memorizing the Quran is a path to guaranteed Paradise, as it brings immense rewards and honor in the Hereafter.

How to Memorize the Quran in 2 Years?

Becoming a hafiz by memorizing Quran may seems something impossible especially in a defined or restricted timespan of two years, but you can make the maximum of these 730 days by smart techniques, mindful planning, and dedicated implementation.

1. Make a customized plan

TimeframeDaily MemorizationWeekly TotalMonthly TotalCumulative Progress
Months 1 – 39 verses63 verses~1.25 Juz’3.75 Juz’
Months 4 – 69 verses63 verses~1.25 Juz’7.5 Juz’
Months 7 – 99 verses63 verses~1.25 Juz’11.25 Juz’
Months 10 – 129 verses63 verses~1.25 Juz’15 Juz’
Months 13 – 159 verses63 verses~1.25 Juz’18.75 Juz’
Months 16 – 189 verses63 verses~1.25 Juz’22.5 Juz’
Months 19 – 219 verses63 verses~1.25 Juz’26.25 Juz’
Months 22 – 249 verses63 verses~1.25 Juz’30 Juz’

To become a Hafiz in two years, a structured planner is essential. Commit to memorizing nine new verses daily, ensuring consistent retention through daily revision sessions. Set weekly goals of 63 verses and monthly milestones of approximately 1.25 Juz’ to stay on track. Cumulative progress tracking helps maintain motivation and discipline. Reinforce retention through consistent review, seek guidance from a qualified teacher, and leverage audio recitations and memorization apps for support. Most importantly, dedication and consistency are key—allocate specific times each day for memorization and revision to achieve success.

2. Set Small Goals

Start with a few verses during each prayer and gradually increase the number. Take small breaks after reaching each quarter of a chapter and revise the previous portions. As you progress, add larger chunks to your lessons, setting small, achievable goals to maintain high morale. This approach fosters a sense of satisfaction and self-confidence, reinforcing the belief that you can complete your Hifz in two years or even less.

Such a person who recites the Qur’an and masters it by heart will be with the noble, righteous scribes (in Heaven). And such a person exerts himself to learn the Qur’an by heart, and recites it with great difficulty will have a double reward.” (Sahih Al Bukhari)

3. Start Without Sequence

Many Islamic scholars falsely claim that memorizing the Quran must start from the beginning is a must, but you can follow any technique that suits you. You can start with the 30th chapter, as it consists of shorter surahs that are easier to memorize and provide a sense of accomplishment.

You can also begin with memory-boosting surahs before progressing to longer chapters, gradually working towards memorizing the entire Quran. Surah Al-Baqarah, the longest surah, is known to enhance memory, making its completion a significant milestone. Ayat-ul-Kursi from this surah is especially beneficial for memory retention. So instead of relying on the fake scholars and preachers, memorize the Quran and be among those, as narrated Ibn Mas’ud (RA):

يَؤُمُّ اَلْقَوْمَ أَقْرَؤُهُمْ لِكِتَابِ اَللَّهِ

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “The one who has the most knowledge of the Book of Allah should be the Imam of the people.” (Sahih Muslim)

3. Revise Hifz During Prayers

Utilize your five daily prayers as a powerful tool for reinforcing your Hifz journey. Divide your nine daily verses across the five prayers, ensuring steady and manageable progress. Before or during each prayer, take a moment to revise the previous lesson, reinforcing memorization and improving fluency. This approach not only enhances retention but also integrates the Quran into your daily routine, deepening your spiritual connection. Over time, this structured and disciplined method fosters confidence, making the goal of completing Hifz in two years feel both achievable and fulfilling.

“Fasting and the Quran will intercede for a person on the Day of Resurrection. Fasting will say, `O Lord, I deprived him of food and desires during the day, so let me intercede for him.’ The Quran will say, `O Lord I deprived him of his sleep at night, so let me intercede for him.’ Then, they will both intercede for him.

Use Effective Hifz Techniques

To enhance Quran memorization, implement proven techniques that reinforce retention and fluency to memorzie quran fast:

Repetition Cycles: Recite each verse multiple times until it becomes deeply engraved in your memory. Repetition of the Quran strengthens recall and ensures long-term retention.

Mirror Work: This is a well known technique for memorizing any lecture and lessons. Stand in front of a mirror and recite aloud. This technique boosts confidence, improves pronunciation, and enhances focus while memorizing.

Gradual Page Memorization: Instead of rushing, break each page into manageable sections. Memorize one part at a time, ensuring thorough understanding before moving to the next.

Tip: Nothing can work for you if you don’t ask for the Divine help. To multiply the benefits of each strategy, seek help from Allah. You can pray the following dua when seeking Allah’s help to increase your memory and open your hear:

“My Lord, expand for me my breast [with assurance] and ease for me my task and untie the knot from my tongue that they may understand my speech.” (Prophet Musa A.S)

Understand the Meaning and Tajweed

If Arabic is not your native language, focusing on the meaning and Tajweed notably enhances retention. Understanding the meaning of each verse adds context, making it easier to recall and relate. Learning Tajweed ensures correct pronunciation and fluency, reducing errors and improving recitation confidence.

Using the same physical Quran consistently will also help with visual memory, as your brain associates verses with their placement on the page. This strengthens recall and makes memorization more intuitive. By combining comprehension, Tajweed, and visual reinforcement, you create a holistic approach to learning the Quran effectively.

“‘Allah has His own people among mankind.’ … ‘The people of the Qur’an, the people of Allah and those who are closest to Him.’” (Sound Hadith: Sunan Ibn Majah)

Those devoted to the Quran and their parents have extra degrees in Jannah based on their memorization:

 يُقَالُ لِصَاحِبِ الْقُرْآنِ: اقْرَأْ وَارَتْقِ وَرَتِّلْ كَمَا كُنْتَ تُرَتِّلُ فِي الدُّنْيَا فَإِنَّ مَنْزِلَكَ عِنْدَ آخِرِ آيَة تقرؤها

God’s messenger said:

“The one who was devoted to the Qur’ān will be told to recite, ascend and recite carefully as he recited carefully when he was in the world, for he will reach his abode when he comes to the last verse he recites.” (Sound hadith: Ahmad, Tirmidhī, Abū Dāwūd and Nasā’ī transmitted it.)


Memorizing the holy Quran in two years is more of strategic planning than hard work. Make a customized plan, divide the whole book into small achievable milestones and practice as much as you can. Revise the lessons multiple times a day with and without surahs open in front of you to challenge your memory and learn the Quran fast in two years.